Contact information

Ledeboerstraat 31-A
NL-5048 AC Tilburg
The Netherlands.

Tel.: +31-134560106.
Fax: +31-134560107.



Improvement of product portfolio and diversification on the market, offering the most sustainable
an innovative products available while continuously meeting the criteria of local laws and
regulations and customer demands.


Our core value is and will remain ethical entrepreneurship doing justice to man, nature and the
future of our planet. We consider ourselves pioneers of sustainability, with a long history of
developing eco-friendly solutions that are safe for customers, and safe for the planet. Like the
patents for innovative products, long before any public awareness for sustainability was present.
The company’s efforts for a better future mainly focus on:

  • eliminating all hazardous chemicals in the textile industry, replacing them by sustainable, safe
  • Reduce water consumption in the textile industry as much as possible by developing innovative products that will facilitate waterless production, and introduce new production possibilities,
    minimizing water consumption.
  • Market high concentrated products to minimize packaging and transportation impact per kg.
  • Optimize packaging to have maximum payload per export shipment thus reducing carbon
  • Optimizing purchase of raw materials to come to a green supplychain


Accurate selection of raw materials, production technique, packaging and transport partners,
which is strictly regulated by our internal risk assessment procedure ,will guarantee the best
possible combination of safety for humans, sustainability for the environment and technical
performance and innovation at our customers.
Enlisting our full product portfolio to the ZDHC gateway will give our customers the best possible
guarantee of sustainability with the highest standard of quality and traceability.

In accordance with our mission and values it is managements commitment to:

  • Customer satisfaction
  • Compliance with the applicable legal requirements and other requirements concerning the
    environment regarding the products we produce
  • Systematic monitoring of the performance, efficiency and effectiveness of processes as well as
    the environmental aspects, with reference to the products we develop
  • Prevention of pollution and any possible non-compliance with environmental laws and
  • Continuous monitoring and improvement of environmental performance
  • Prevention and reduction of possible environmental risks resulting from new activities, available
    technologies and emergency situations
  • Continuous engagement, information sharing and training of internal staff, as well as suppliers
    regarding quality and the environment
  • Ability to ensure the best technological solutions
  • Expertise and reliability of suppliers
  • Commitment to systematically monitoring the environmental aspects of our activities and their
    resulting effects on the environment, with particular reference to environmental aspects and
    impacts arising from production activities: generation of waste, resource consumption, pollution
    of water resources, prevention of emergencies related to possible ground contamination;
    continuous improvement of quality and environmental management systems
  • Maintaining open and constructive relations with public administration, the institutions,
    communities and individuals which have a legitimate interest in the environmental performance
    of our company.


We will continue with the commitment to make our industry sustainable and together with all
stakeholders bring measurable changes to the textile industry.